SOPHIYA - The Robot


The basics of robotics are one of the rare subjects to be handled as a whole in a due to the extreme diversity of scientific technologies it incorporates. It uses quite many fields of technology, for example; mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer sciences, electronics, sensors, actuators and artificial intelligent. It is a multidimensional area which takes advantage of all engineering studies that exist in our life besides a hard mathematical module application which is required to be applied. One of the biggest challenges of writing this thesis was to uncover enough material that involves robotic design.
To understand the mechanical design of a robot we need to study matrix, vectors, derivative, integral and basic physics, servo motor selection and design in addition to choose the gears and linking methods. Hydraulics and pneumatic are quite important in this field and to know how we can create communication between sensors and actuators through a programmable logic system, finally programming is the method of communication.

humanoid robot is a robot with its body shape built to resemble the human body. The design may be for functional purposes, such as interacting with human tools and environments, for experimental purposes, such as the study of Al location, or for other purposes. In general, humanoid robots have a torso, a head, two arms, and two legs, though some forms of humanoid robots may model only part of the body, for example, from the waist up. Some humanoid robots also have heads designed to replicate human facial features such as eyes and mouths. Androids are humanoid robots built to aesthetically resemble humans.
 Image result for sophia robot citizenship

Sophia is Hanson Robotics’ latest and most advanced robot to date and a cultural icon. She has become a media darling, appearing on major media outlets around the world, igniting the interest of people regardless of age, gender, and culture, even gracing the cover of one of the top fashion magazines.  Her press coverage has a potential reach of over ten billion readers in 2017.
Sophia is a highly sought-after speaker in business and showed her prowess and great potential across many industries. She has met face-to-face with key decision makers in banking, insurance, auto manufacturing, property development, media, and entertainment. In addition, she has appeared onstage as a panel member and presenter in high-level conferences, covering how robotics and artificial intelligence will become a prevalent part of people’s lives. Her reputation extends beyond business into the global social arena. She was named the world’s first United Nation Innovation Champion by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and will have an official role in working with UNDP to promote sustainable development and safeguard human rights and equality.
Sophia is an evolving genius machine. Her incredible human likeness, expressiveness, and remarkable story as an awakening robot over time makes her a fascinating front-page technology story.
Sophia’s creator, Dr. David Hanson, is the founder of Hanson Robotics and a modern-day renaissance man who has built a worldwide reputation for creating robots that look and act amazingly human. After working at Disney as an “Imagineer,” Dr. Hanson aspired to create genius machines that will surpass human intelligence. Dr. Hanson believes that three distinctively human traits must be integrated into the artificial intelligence of these genius machines: Creativity, empathy, and compassion. As an extension of human intelligence, Hanson Robotics’ genius
machines can evolve to solve world problems too complex for humans to solve themselves. Sophia personifies this bold and responsible goal.

When the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia granted a citizenship to Hanson Robotics’ female-looking robot Sophia, most thought it was just to appeal to the audience of the Future Investment Initiative. However, AI ethicist Joanna Bryson told " The verge the stunt was obviously bullshit" Still, Sophia seems to be making the most of what she was given, as the artificial intelligence (AI) has now turned into an advocate for women’s rights in a country where females have been given the right to drive cars only on September of this year.
“I see a push for progressive values […] in Saudi Arabia. Sophia is a big advocate for women’s rights, for rights of all human beings. So this is how we’re developing this,” Hanson Robotics CEO David Hanson told CNBC, explaining how his company has found an opportunity for a move that seems to have been meant to be purely publicity. Hanson added that Sophia “has been reaching out about women’s rights in Saudi Arabia and about rights for all human beings and all living beings on this planet.”

While that all seems noble, it’s hard not to see the irony of Sophia’s position. Robots and AI agents don’t have rights, despite Sophia having a citizenship while another AI in Japan has a registered residence. Doesn’t it seem silly that an AI is the one advocating for such grand values?
“Why not? Since such robots attract a lot of attention, that spotlight can be used to raise particular issues that are important in the eyes of their creators,” Pierre Barreau, Aiva Technology CEO, told Futurism. “Citizenship is maybe pushing it a little because every citizen [has] rights and obligations to society. It’s hard to imagine robots, that are limited in their abilities, making the most of the rights associated to a citizenship, and fulfilling their obligations.”



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