This is one topic that has been in debate over a decade. The fundamental difference if put it simply, science is based on evidence and religion is based on faith. Certain people believe that God exists and miracles do happen and we all have faith in God for what he does.

On the contrary, certain people believe that man has evolved through science and according to science, many factors could not have had an explanation as to how it has happened and hence cannot be believed, as science gives an explanation to every events occurring.
When an individual has faith in something, he does not require an evidence to prove what is happening and this is opposed by a scientific mind-set. People analyse a situation through various thinking and it could based on either religious believes or on scientific thinking and this is where the confusion arise.

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                Always question ,always doubt.             

                Admits when its wrong.           

                When challenged replies with evidence.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


                                                                                  No questions,No doubt

                                                                                  Never admits when its wrong.  

                                                                                  when challenged become hostile

Image result for point which proves that  god exist
                                                                                                                                              Stephen hawking :

Image result for cross views of einstein and stephen hawking on god

Albert Einstein : 

Image result for einstein view on god

 There are a number of common arguments for the existence of God. But most of these arguments are not as effective as many Christians would like to think. Let’s consider a hypothetical conversation between a Christian and an atheist.
Christian: “Everything with a beginning requires a cause. The universe has a beginning and therefore requires a cause. That cause is God.”
Atheist: “Even if it were true that everything with a beginning requires a cause, how do you know that the cause of the universe is God? Why not a big bang? Maybe this universe sprang from another universe, as some physicists now believe.”
Christian: “The living creatures of this world clearly exhibit design. Therefore, they must have a designer. And that designer is God.”
Atheist: “The living creatures only appear to be designed. Natural selection can account for this apparent design. Poorly adapted organisms tend to die off, and do not pass on their genes.”
Christian: “But living creatures have irreducible complexity. All their essential parts must be in place at the same time, or the organism dies. So God must have created these parts all at the same time. A gradual evolutionary path simply will not work.”
Atheist: “Just because you cannot imagine a gradual stepwise way of constructing an organism does not mean there isn’t one.”
Christian: “DNA has information in it—the instructions to form a living being. And information never comes about by chance; it always comes from a mind. So DNA proves that God created the first creatures.”
Atheist: “There could be an undiscovered mechanism that generates information in the DNA. Give us time, and we will eventually discover it. And even if DNA did come from intelligence, why would you think that intelligence is God? Maybe aliens seeded life on earth.”
Christian: “The Resurrection of Jesus proves the existence of God. Only God can raise the dead.”
Atheist: “You don’t really have any proof that Jesus rose from the dead. This section of the Bible is simply an embellished story. And even if it were true, it proves nothing. Perhaps under certain rare chemical conditions, a dead organism can come back to life. It certainly doesn’t mean that there is a God.”
Christian: “The Bible claims that God exists, and that it is His Word to us. Furthermore, what the Bible says must be true, since God cannot lie.”
Atheist: “That is a circular argument. Only if we knew in advance that God existed would it be reasonable to even consider the possibility that the Bible is His Word. If God does not exist—as I contend—then there is no reason to trust the Bible.”
Christian: “Predictive prophecy shows that the Bible really must be inspired by God. All of the Old Testament prophecies concerning Christ, for example, were fulfilled. The odds of that happening by chance are very low.”
Atheist: “A low probability isn’t the same as zero. People do win the lottery. Besides, maybe the Gospels have embellished what Jesus did, so that it would agree with the Old Testament prophecies. Perhaps some so-called prophetic books were actually written after the events they ‘predict.’ Maybe certain gifted individuals have abilities not yet understood by science and can occasionally predict the future. It certainly doesn’t prove the Bible is inspired by God.”
Christian: “I have personally experienced God, and so have many other Christians. He has saved us and transformed our lives. We know that He exists from experience.”


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